Neal Schon: Beyond the Thunder

Now listening to Neal Schon: Beyond the Thunder. This recording was released on March 30, 1995. This is just simply a terrific album of guitar-featured, instrumental music combining world rhythm influences, fusion and acoustic guitar work. Neal Schon is most famous as rock band, Journey’s main guitarist and one of their main contributing songwriters. In Journey, Schon is renown for his nice melodic lines, fiery blues-based licked, catchy guitar-hooks and chord progressions. Beyond the Thunder is a leap into the smooth jazz for Schon, but given his role in Journey, a logical one that he was able to pull off. The band on this recording features the writing talents of Jonathan Cain, Journey’s main keyboardist and Neal Schon. The album also features Santana percussionists Chepito Areas and Michael Carabello.

This is one of those albums where all songs are good. My personal favorite is Bandalero which was a smooth jazz favorite in the mid 1990’s during the time, after its release. Other songs of note are Big Moon, Cool Breeze and Send Me an Angel. Send Me an Angel is written by Schon for his wife Dina. The particular song sounds like a Journey song minus the vocals the Steve Perry. If you love journey and instrumental music, I don’t see why you won’t enjoy this one.

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