Archive for category Compositions

Transcription: Petite Etude by Rik Emmett

In case your a prog rock fan from the late 1970’s, early 1980’s, here’s a transcription for Petite Etude performed by Rik Emmett of Triumph. This particular solo guitar piece was the second to the last song on an album titled Allied Forces. It’s really a beautiful song and really not that hard to play if you practice it. But it does take practice. Anyway, if you play guitar and always wondered how to play it, feel free to use this. Two final things about this transcription: first, there is an extra measure at the end. Oh well, you get what you pay for. However, if it bothers you badly enough, let me know an I can fix it. Secondly, the tune ended on a harmonic and I actually ended the tune on an actual note equal to the harmonic. That’s just a software glitch where the harmonic feature wasn’t working. Something that I need to resolve with Sibelius, the software used to create sheet music.

Click on the wording below for the transcription.

Petite Etude

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Writing Some Latin Jazz Original Tunes

Well, as summer quickly comes to an end, I am working on a couple of music composition. I am writing two tunes in the Latin jazz genre. Over the last three years, I have the good fortune of playing with some terrific musicians in this genre which I will later blog about.

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